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Garand Jeanne
Garand Jeanne was determined to give her five children the perfect Christmas gift, but the cost of a Reborn Baby Doll was too expensive for her budget. So, she decided to take on the challenge of creating her own silicone baby. She researched and gathered materials, and soon she was ready to start the creation process.
Using her knowledge and skills, she carefully cut, shaped, and painted the silicone baby, and named him Tracy after her youngest daughter. She was so proud of what she had accomplished - the perfect combination of love and craftsmanship.
Garand Jeanne gave her children their perfect Christmas gift in 2022, a silicone baby that was created with her own two hands. She was filled with a sense of satisfaction and pride as she watched her children marveling at the life-like doll. Her dream was to capture each of her children's childhoods in the art of silicone babies, and she knew that the memories would last a lifetime.